Green Building Services

“D2O is the leading organization renowned for its exceptional performance
and commitment in providing top-notch green building services that encompasses
certification and facilitation, ensuring a greener future for all.”


LEED Consulting

LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and it is a certification program developed by the United States Green Building Council(USGBC) that recognizes buildings designed and constructed with a focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility.

LEED Gold is one of the four levels of certification that a building can achieve under the LEED program, with the other levels being Certified, Silver, and Platinum. To achieve LEED Gold certification, a building must meet certain criteria related to sustainability, including but not limited to energy efficiency, water conservation, indoor air quality, and use of environmentally friendly materials and construction practices.

LEED Gold certification requires a higher level of sustainability performance than LEED Certified or Silver, but not as high as LEED Platinum. It is a significant achievement for any building to be awarded LEED Gold certification, and it demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Our Audit & Commissioning Services is geared towards driving performance improvement. Our expert auditors and commissioning specialists dig deep to uncover inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas where productivity can be enhanced. By optimizing your asset performance, we help you maximize the value of your investments.

Offered Services

LEED Consulting

LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and it is a certification program developed by the United States Green Building Council(USGBC) that recognizes buildings designed and constructed with a focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility.

LEED Gold is one of the four levels of certification that a building can achieve under the LEED program, with the other levels being Certified, Silver, and Platinum. To achieve LEED Gold certification, a building must meet certain criteria related to sustainability, including but not limited to energy efficiency, water conservation, indoor air quality, and use of environmentally friendly materials and construction practices.

LEED Gold certification requires a higher level of sustainability performance than LEED Certified or Silver, but not as high as LEED Platinum. It is a significant achievement for any building to be awarded LEED Gold certification, and it demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

IGBC Green

The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) was formed by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in 2001 [2] The council is based out of the CII-Sohrabji Green Business Centre, Hyderabad which is India’s 1st Platinum rated green building and a Net Zero Energy Building. The vision of the council is to enable a ‘Sustainable built environment for all. IGBC is India's premier body for green building certification and related services.

GRIHA Green Building Certification

GRIHA is an acronym for Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment. GRIHA is a Sanskrit word meaning – ‘Abode’. Human Habitats (buildings) interact with the environment in various ways. Throughout their life cycles, from construction to operation and then demolition, they consume resources in the form of
energy, water, materials, etc. and emit wastes either directly in the form of municipal wastes or indirectly as emissions from electricity generation. GRIHA
attempts to minimize a building’s resource consumption, waste generation, and overall ecological impact to within certain nationally acceptable limits /benchmarks.
Going by the old adage ‘what gets measured, gets managed’, GRIHA attempts to quantify aspects such as energy consumption, waste generation, renewable energy adoption, etc. so as to manage, control and reduce the same to the best possible extent.
GRIHA is a rating tool that helps people assesses the performance of their building against certain nationally acceptable benchmarks. It evaluates the
environmental performance of a building holistically over its entire life cycle, thereby providing a definitive standard for what constitutes a ‘green building’.
The rating system, based on accepted energy and environmental principles, will seek to strike a balance between the established practices and emerging
concepts, both national and international.

EDGE Green Building

We provide Facilitation services to projects aspiring certification under IGBC, LEED, GRIHA, WELL, EDGE etc. rating systems. Certification is the best way to demonstrate the design efforts & initiatives taken in a project which are truly “green”. Our approach is to help project team to design an environment friendly building which saves cost and also provides building users with healthy and productive spaces. The certification eventually validates that the building design and construction meets the required environment best practices and standards.